
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lab Warming Party

In case you have not heard, our new Infocomm Security laboratories are under renovation in order to create a more conducive and well-equipped learning environment for future students. For the brief time being we will be using the transitional labs... But nothing is going to stop us DISMers from having fun!

On 2nd Nov, a Lab Warming Party was organized by year 2 students and sanctioned by the management team - the only time to eat yummy Pizza and have tasty drinks while playing games in school labs!

As time goes by, some year 1 freshmen and a few graduating year 3s also joined the fun. Well, it is about time to get a break from all the study and hard work! Now let us take a look at some of the exultant and memorable moments:

Year 1 students getting acquainted with our knowledgeable and yet humourous lecturer.

Having a slice of pizza, lean back and relax ...
Unless of course you are track running with Kinect!

If only we can be as concentrated during exam as we are now...

Even graduating seniors on internship cannot resist the temptation of the XBOX 360.

I like group projects. I am a team player. So ... time for some Halo and CS eh?

I think I need to go back to lab to practice more network scanning.
Wait a minute, did I walk into a LAN shop?!