
Monday, September 2, 2019

Bug Hunting Exercise @ SP, by YESWEHACK.com

2 Sep 2019. In the afternoon, DISM students continued with the Bug Hunting Exercise at Cyber Wargame Centre (CWC). Two web-based applications were hosted on the network for students to try out their skills to identify vulnerabilities in the application systems. It was quite an eventful day as the instructors (Lucas and Kevin) and students were able to identify quite a few vulnerabilities such as directory listing, user enumeration, IDOR, XSS, privilege escalation, etc.

The bug hunting exercise will help the students to understand the process of bug hunting as well as to appreciate that this approach is more efficient way to security testing.

Bug Bounty Workshop @ SP, by YESWEHACK.com

2 Sep 2019. DISM Gryphon SIG (Special Interest Group) has organised a workshop for our students. The half-day workshop in the morning on Bug Bounty is conducted by Lucas and Kevin from YESWEHACK.com @ SP Cyber Wargame Centre (CWC).

This is the first Bug Bounty workshop conducted by YESWEHACK.com for IHL in Singapore.

Lucas (aka BitK) with students @ T2034

Kevin with students @ T2033