
Thursday, November 24, 2011

IT Exposed Class

On 24th Nov, a group of secondary 1 students from various schools including Chinese High and CHIJ attended an introductory course on Computer Forensics conducted by DISM lecturer with the assistance of two DISM year 2 students.

An ongoing introductory lecture

Lecturer Mr. Samson Yeow illustrating the technical basics

The topics covered include deleted file recovery and information hiding (formally known as Steganography) and the course consisted a combination of lectures and practical sessions with tea breaks in between.

DISM student helper Lin Shaofeng (left) and Maverick Yong (right) at far back

Students listening attentively to the explanation

After the lunch visiting students were also invited on a tour around the campus as well as to attend the ITSA seminar themed around "Privacy and Security of Mobile Devices / Applications".

At the end of the day, participants of the course left not only with fresh new knowledge but also gifts and prizes. It has truly been a fruitful day!

Course photos courtesy of Edmund Tang