
Monday, February 26, 2018

The Cybersecurity Awards 2018

Good news to share, our DISM graduates have done us proud!

The Minister for Communications and Information and Minister-in-charge of Cyber Security, Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim, presented Singapore’s inaugural Cybersecurity Awards on 23 Feb 2018. Six individuals and organisations were recognised for their outstanding achievements and contributions to Singapore’s cybersecurity ecosystem. See details in this URL link.

Third from the left: Jeremy Heng Wen Ming (graduated in 2013); and

Third from the right, Emil Tan Jingwei (graduated in 2009).

Two of the award winners were DISM graduates:

“Mr Emil Tan received the Professional Award to recognise his pro-active role in bringing the local cybersecurity community together, as well as driving efforts to raise cybersecurity awareness and profiling Singapore in the global cybersecurity field. Mr Tan leads Edgis and Null (Singapore Chapter), which are cybersecurity communities of practice. These groups have engaged in responsible disclosure with public agencies and organised events to raise cybersecurity awareness for the general public. Mr Tan also contributes actively to the Cyber Security Awareness Alliance of Singapore which promotes and enhances adoption and awareness of essential cybersecurity practices for businesses and the public.”

– Emil Tan Jingwei, DISM, graduated in 2009

“The Student Award was awarded to Mr Jeremy Heng, a third-year year Information Security undergraduate at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Vice President of the NUS Greyhats, a cybersecurity special interest group. Mr Heng was ranked in the top position in the Singapore Cyber Conquest for both 2016 and 2017 and he came in second for the ASEAN Cyber SEA Games 2017.”

– Jeremy Heng, DISM, graduated in 2013

Dr. Yaacob also mentioned another DISM graduate in his opening speech, as follows:

“CSA is also working closely with IMDA to increase the number of scholarships offered for cybersecurity under the National Infocomm Scholarship Programme. One recipient of this scholarship is Preshant Achuthan. A cybersecurity enthusiast, he withdrew from Junior College after his first year to chase after his dreams by taking up a Diploma in Infocomm Security Management instead. Preshant might be young but already he has won many accolades and there are many more talented and passionate youths out there. We hope this scholarship will support and encourage them to embark on an exciting career in cybersecurity.”

– Preshant Achuthan, DISM, graduated in 2016

Congratulations to all award recipients!!!