
Saturday, October 13, 2012

STAR Development Program 2012

During 8th to 10th October, the annual DMIT STAR Development Program (formerly known as the STAR Camp) took place at The Hall and various on hilltop facilities. Several year 1 DISM students were among participants, and they were Peh Sze ChiTan Si HuiCheong Ren Hann, James Edward Teoh and Bay Min Han. 

Mission of DMIT STARs (STudent AmbassadoRs) 

The Student Ambassadors exist to build and reinforce the connections that foster rela-tionships among our alumni, students, school, staff, prospective students, and Singapore Polytechnic in addition to providing opportunities for the personal, social and professional growth of its members while in pursuit of their academic excellence. 

[Extracted from DMIT STAR Facebook group]

A little ice-breaking game at the hilltop foyer

Trainer Mr. Rahul sharing on presentation & public speaking skills

Come up and straight away apply what was taught

Preparation on how to present during DMIT facilities tour

What is Ren Hann doing? Why does he look astonished?

Well, here is a little game called "passing the message"

"Human dog and bone"! Perhaps NOT for the faint-hearted ...

Heavy lunch time conversation topic: End of The World =.=

On the last afternoon a year 3 senior STAR presenter from DISM was also awarded and conferred the Certificate of Commendation by Deputy Director of DMIT Ms Shirley Ngiam together with a few students from other courses such as DIT and DDM for the excellent service rendered in the past two years.

At the end of three days, many student participants were rather tired but at the same time feeling excited. While most are looking forward to more STAR activities, some committee members have already started planning for the next gathering - Year End cum Christmas party.

All the best and make DMIT proud, fellow young STARs!

Photos courtesy of Ms Junie Tan