
Friday, October 7, 2011

Preparation for Capture The Flag Competition in HITB 2011

Over the past few weeks, a group of DISM students have undergone a series of intensive training courses in preparation for the upcoming Capture The Flag hacking competition which is a part of the Hack In The Box security conference 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

On 7th Oct, the teams once again gathered together for the final briefing and meeting session. DISM lecturers stressed the utmost importance of staying safe during the trip as well as several other important points to note.

Lecturer Mr. Dennis Wong briefing on safety precautions.

Year 2 students thrilled about their first competition adventure.

Students later went through issues such as grouping, logistics as well as software tools to use, and they also had an ardent and prolonged discussion on the strategies and tactics to adopt during the competition.

Participants earnestly planning out their in-game strategies.

Year 3 student Barnabus Tan is the treasurer in charge of fees.

Capture The Flag – Tower of Hackf00 Madness, is an attack only competition bringing a variety of challenges requiring participants to have a myriad of skills... Over a period of two (2) days, participants of the game will be tested on various subjects. Teams are expected to be well versed in subjects such as binary reversing, cryptography, digital forensics, network f00, web exploitation, and brain busting puzzle solving skills. [from conference.hitb.org]

This year DISM has sent out two teams, namely PI and Lepak. They will leave in the morning on next Tuesday (11st Oct) and are expected to return on next Friday (14th Oct). Let us wish them all the best in their journey!